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sunday times 2 doglet 29th August 2011, 11:32
» by doglet
Sallyw 3 magworth 29th August 2011, 11:25
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
crusader crossword aug 29 3 aly 29th August 2011, 10:52
» by aly
ST4448 2 ozwald 29th August 2011, 10:52
» by harlequin
to Mr Light 1 magworth 29th August 2011, 10:16
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Sunday Post Easy 6 blueberry 29th August 2011, 09:46
» by blueberry
Sunday Mail Seven Days 1 freddy 29th August 2011, 09:39
» by blueberry
last 3. stuck. Sunday Mail £100 x/word. 3 jinty 29th August 2011, 09:21
» by jinty
Times Cryptic 940 4 jazzgirl 29th August 2011, 09:20
» by jazzgirl
radio times crossword no 35 1 alsatian 29th August 2011, 07:43
» by chips
RT 35 7 magworth 29th August 2011, 02:45
» by mr.light
Tel 26.642 Times 24.939 6 april 29th August 2011, 00:48
» by les40
molly 2 magworth 28th August 2011, 22:58
» by magworth
The People Puzzles Mega Crossword No. 157 5 silly boy 28th August 2011, 22:13
» by silly boy
SL cryptic 3 squire 28th August 2011, 21:50
» by squire
Sunday Times 4448 4 jon boy 28th August 2011, 21:47
» by chips
Daily record saturday 27th august - clue 82 across give it a try 2 sargoe 28th August 2011, 21:42
» by sargoe
MOS lancelot 20d 2 robin 28th August 2011, 21:33
» by robin
Daily Telegraph 26,642 27/8/11 2 johnnyess 28th August 2011, 21:25
» by johnnyess
SL cryptic 4 squire 28th August 2011, 20:51
» by squire
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