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SWEP Cryptic 4 martynclark 28th August 2011, 05:23
» by martynclark
Daily record saturday 7 clell 28th August 2011, 01:38
» by ianc
Crossword No, 224 10d 7 brian 28th August 2011, 01:36
» by brian
Times cryptic 940 8 paul 28th August 2011, 01:02
» by paul
sat.d.record £5oo 1 eva 28th August 2011, 00:55
» by def
Times cryptic 940 4 tgi paul 28th August 2011, 00:36
» by tgi paul
Crossword No. 224 9a 2 brian 27th August 2011, 23:31
» by brian
Times cryptic 940 2 mrsp 27th August 2011, 22:58
» by mrsp
Sat Daily Record 2 millie 27th August 2011, 22:40
» by millie
Times 2 No. 940 2 harry 27th August 2011, 22:36
» by harry
Daily Record Sarurday 2 clell 27th August 2011, 21:41
» by clell
DR £500 3 jinty7 27th August 2011, 21:06
» by jinty7
Guardian Prize 25412 Advice please! 2 mags 27th August 2011, 21:05
» by mags
Times 2 Jumbo 940 3 kenbart 27th August 2011, 21:00
» by jazzgirl
Times 24939 6 smiffy 27th August 2011, 20:10
» by smiffy
times 2 5553 5 emanuel 27th August 2011, 20:04
» by amateur
ramblers again 2 ann - bristol 27th August 2011, 20:03
» by ann - bristol
Ramblers magazine 2 ann - bristol 27th August 2011, 19:35
» by ann - bristol
£500 x word daily record 4 beth 27th August 2011, 19:04
» by beth
times jumbo cryptic 940 2 harpist 27th August 2011, 18:48
» by harpist
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