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Sat Tel £500 Prize 4 mikey 28th August 2011, 20:12
» by tonyw
Times 940 4 ritat 28th August 2011, 19:48
» by ritat
Seven Days Sunday Mail 2 ruddy 28th August 2011, 19:45
» by ruddy
Saturday Times 24,939...still 2 dollyhaze 28th August 2011, 19:38
» by villain
ST4448 Put me out of my misery. 3 eli 28th August 2011, 19:21
» by eli
holidays 1 abercrombie73 28th August 2011, 19:18
» by abercrombie73
seven days x word 15 beth 28th August 2011, 18:59
» by trotter
everyman 3387 1 lily 28th August 2011, 18:36
» by tonyw
sunday post cryptic 3 lorna 28th August 2011, 18:18
» by mamya
MOS Sir Lancelot 2 paul2102 28th August 2011, 17:25
» by paul2102
Times 27th 940 2 campbell clarke 28th August 2011, 17:16
» by campbell clarke
St 4448 4 jim mac 28th August 2011, 16:10
» by jim mac
SUNDAY POST CRYPTIC 8 tomsk 28th August 2011, 16:00
» by tomsk
Mephisto 2661 6 chips 28th August 2011, 15:42
» by chips
times jumbo 940 2 john45 28th August 2011, 15:36
» by john45
SP Cryptic 6 blueberry 28th August 2011, 15:33
» by tomsk
MoS Xword 1245 3 flynnsmum 28th August 2011, 15:31
» by flynnsmum
MOS YOU 1245 3 phoebey 28th August 2011, 15:27
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
times jumbo cryptic 940 a very long word 10 m.o.m.o 28th August 2011, 15:12
» by m.o.m.o
Sunday Post Easy 24 Across ? 6 tomsk 28th August 2011, 14:34
» by ab
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