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Types of Buildings 7 bigfoot 1st September 2011, 17:25
» by bigfoot
Explanation 2 aux one 1st September 2011, 16:42
» by aux one
Times cryptic 940 4 mrsp 1st September 2011, 16:00
» by mrsp
DM 9a 1 dudley 1st September 2011, 15:01
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
DM 1st Sep 2 little daisy 1st September 2011, 14:47
» by little daisy
DM THURS 1 smb 1st September 2011, 14:29
» by trevor
DAILY MAIL 2 pip 1st September 2011, 14:06
» by pip
DM thur 2 saki 1st September 2011, 12:12
» by saki
Times 2 Thurs 1st September 3 jilly potter 1st September 2011, 10:59
» by jilly potter
the sun 2 stu 1st September 2011, 10:44
» by suki
the sun 8 stu 1st September 2011, 10:42
» by suki
Question for carmel 4 dandelion 1st September 2011, 10:07
» by dandelion
Advertisement slogans 8 angie 1st September 2011, 08:48
» by angie
times cryptic 24943 1 tommy 1st September 2011, 03:17
» by tommy
Sunday Times 750 4 carmel 31st August 2011, 22:07
» by cowboy
prospect magazine 2 april 31st August 2011, 21:50
» by silly boy
Private Eye 451 5 chips 31st August 2011, 21:42
» by chips
times cryptic 24942 10 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 31st August 2011, 20:59
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
prospect magazine 1 april 31st August 2011, 20:21
» by april
You Magazine Crossword No 1,241 5 toastcake 31st August 2011, 19:37
» by jazzgirl
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