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All sorts of animals(also extinct) 23 bigfoot 29th August 2011, 15:26
» by siamcat
Sat DT 26,642 5 royal windsor 29th August 2011, 15:25
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
times #5356 6 srish 29th August 2011, 14:36
» by srish
DM Monday 4 little daisy 29th August 2011, 14:22
» by trevor
Times Jumbo Cryptic 940 37ac 4 theambler 29th August 2011, 13:52
» by terry as was
Times jumbo cryptic 940 5 rocketman 29th August 2011, 13:49
» by theambler
30a times jumbo 940 0 marydom 29th August 2011, 13:49
» by marydom
times jumbo 940 30ac 3 marydom 29th August 2011, 13:47
» by marydom
st 4448 cryptic 14 across 2 ed2 29th August 2011, 13:23
» by terry as was
6 letter word 4 pauline2279 29th August 2011, 13:23
» by harlequin
wee stinker 15 kendo 29th August 2011, 13:19
» by dan19460
observer everyman 28th Augut 14 elfie 29th August 2011, 13:17
» by elfie
Cryptic 940 4 bella 29th August 2011, 13:15
» by bella
Daily Mail - Monday 2 peppertoe 29th August 2011, 13:11
» by peppertoe
DM MONDAY 3 jan 29th August 2011, 12:52
» by jan
D/mail Mon 3 saki 29th August 2011, 12:43
» by dandelion
times crypic 24940 2 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 29th August 2011, 12:22
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
st4448 8 moilly 29th August 2011, 11:57
» by moilly
times 2 monday 5554 29/8/11 3 foxylady 29th August 2011, 11:43
» by foxylady
P.&J. Monday 2 clell 29th August 2011, 11:43
» by gok wan acolytes
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