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film titles 1 jelly 30th August 2011, 09:07
» by ajt1
Times Jumbo Cryptic 940 4 left 8 viva voce 30th August 2011, 08:55
» by viva voce
Times2 5553 2 jazzgirl 30th August 2011, 08:52
» by jazzgirl
Lancashire Telegraph Number 12329 9 meh 30th August 2011, 08:25
» by jazzgirl
Tinkling or Tingling 2 qwerty55 30th August 2011, 06:33
» by qwerty55
ada 1 normandy 30th August 2011, 02:20
» by the joker
Cryptic 940 5 helenb 29th August 2011, 22:53
» by helenb
Any prize winners here ? 9 mikey 29th August 2011, 21:15
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Just for a laugh ! 36 jazzgirl 29th August 2011, 21:12
» by terry as was
Sorry forgot to put in the clue. 3 jinty 29th August 2011, 21:00
» by meridian
towns or villages in lincolnshire 0 meridian 29th August 2011, 20:16
» by meridian
towns or villages in lincolnshire 3 meridian 29th August 2011, 20:07
» by escher
ST 4448 6 magic mikey 29th August 2011, 19:43
» by magic mikey
I Prize Cryptic 10 cardy 29th August 2011, 19:25
» by the joker
Times cryptic 940 2 exams 29th August 2011, 19:17
» by exams
Wee Stinker again 7 andyb 29th August 2011, 19:00
» by strummer
Something you might wear 7 meridian 29th August 2011, 18:47
» by the joker
Sunday Telegraph 5 terry 29th August 2011, 17:07
» by tony
WI Life 19 across 7 letters 7 staploe 29th August 2011, 15:41
» by staploe
Back again. Sat D/Record. £500 x/word. 3 jinty 29th August 2011, 15:30
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
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