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Topic Replies Started by Last post
RT 35 15 ac 2 magworth 28th August 2011, 11:13
» by pipesmoker
So near, but 24939 again- sorry!! 6 smiffy 28th August 2011, 10:58
» by smiffy
Starchicpuzzles The star 3 toastcake 28th August 2011, 10:35
» by toastcake
mail on sunday prize crossword. 3 gareth 28th August 2011, 10:35
» by dandelion
Skeleton again !! 3 julie 28th August 2011, 10:27
» by dandelion
Times cryptic 940 6 dotty vot 28th August 2011, 10:24
» by dotty vot
Skeleton 2 alanjames 28th August 2011, 10:21
» by dandelion
Guardian 25,411:24a 4 greedy kite 28th August 2011, 10:18
» by greedy kite
SE Skeleton 4 julie 28th August 2011, 10:14
» by julie
jumbo cryptic 940 2 dandelion 28th August 2011, 10:00
» by dandelion
EP Cryptic - Last 1 3 kellimod 28th August 2011, 09:25
» by jws
to Casta 10 0 magworth 28th August 2011, 09:23
» by magworth
Times 24939 2 dandelion 28th August 2011, 09:23
» by dandelion
Guardian25402 PDF version? 2 tryinghard 28th August 2011, 09:01
» by tryinghard
Times Jumbo times2 3 casta10 28th August 2011, 08:45
» by casta10
Times Jumbo times2 1 casta10 28th August 2011, 08:43
» by jazzgirl
times cryptic 940 8 molly 28th August 2011, 08:37
» by jazzgirl
EP Cryptic 2 kellimod 28th August 2011, 08:19
» by kellimod
almost there 2 ann - bristol 28th August 2011, 07:52
» by ann - bristol
RTE Guide No 35 4 kieros 28th August 2011, 05:53
» by kieros
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