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TuesdayDR 2 agatha 31st August 2011, 18:59
» by millie
DM 5a and 9a 3 dudley 31st August 2011, 15:22
» by dudley
Azed2048 5 one down 31st August 2011, 14:23
» by one down
FT 13783 19 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 31st August 2011, 14:22
» by pastille
daily mail wednesday 7 pip 31st August 2011, 13:28
» by chelle
country life cryptic 4196 5 dotty vot 31st August 2011, 13:13
» by dotty vot
times 5358 5 srish 31st August 2011, 12:42
» by paul
Sat Times 24,939 4 les40 31st August 2011, 12:00
» by les40
dm wed 8 emf 31st August 2011, 11:54
» by saki
Elements in the Periodic table 3 jazzgirl 31st August 2011, 11:14
» by jazzgirl
Times 24,942 5 neilm 31st August 2011, 11:03
» by neilm
D/Rec Tues. (the Big One) 7 jinty 31st August 2011, 10:17
» by suki
Lakes and rivers 2 don key 31st August 2011, 08:22
» by don key
Inquisitor 1192 5 chips 31st August 2011, 08:20
» by chips
Witness Cryptic, help please 3 maryt 31st August 2011, 07:21
» by maryt
Clueless 10 aristophanes 31st August 2011, 00:00
» by siamcat
Daily Express Cryptic - stuck! 5 jessiet 30th August 2011, 22:14
» by barrycat
Times Jumbo 940 Cryptic 31 across 5 themadwomanintheattic 30th August 2011, 21:40
» by themadwomanintheattic
Jolan's 5 (@ 5) 15 jolan 30th August 2011, 21:24
» by jolan
Times Jumbo Crossword cryptic 940-clues 21d and 27a 8 abc1234 30th August 2011, 20:10
» by bernie
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