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ST 4794 3 hallgreening 15th April 2018, 10:54
» by hallgreening
SWEP cryptic 2 martynclark 15th April 2018, 10:32
» by martynclark
Everyman 2 thomas 15th April 2018, 09:41
» by thomas
cryptic help please 10 ludo 15th April 2018, 01:15
» by ginge
@rosalind 6 chrise 14th April 2018, 22:20
» by rosalind
HERALD GK 12 sengamur605 14th April 2018, 21:43
» by malone
adr £150 2 theresa 14th April 2018, 15:59
» by theresa
Before and After Word 4 flambelle 14th April 2018, 14:28
» by flambelle
daily telegraph cryptic 2 gareth 14th April 2018, 13:05
» by gareth
DT 28,713. 4down 4 elisa 14th April 2018, 13:02
» by elisa
i Cryptic 2241 5 diablos 14th April 2018, 11:35
» by diablos
PEER REVIEW 329 66 aristophanes 14th April 2018, 08:49
» by fieryjack
Clueless 366 50 stevea6000 14th April 2018, 08:14
» by skyewalker
Genius 158 31 nikki 13th April 2018, 18:11
» by sircrispin
Listener 4497 74 durban 13th April 2018, 14:59
» by wintonian
I cryptic 3 thomas 13th April 2018, 11:54
» by thomas
i Cryptic 2240 4 diablos 13th April 2018, 10:54
» by diablos
RTE no. 16 4 laurel 12th April 2018, 22:12
» by mamya
EV 1325 - Help! 51 kt17 12th April 2018, 17:34
» by manic mary
i Cryptic 2239 14 diablos 12th April 2018, 15:32
» by jazzgirl
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