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Today,s Guardian prize 60 leapy 16th April 2018, 13:14
» by spanielsrule
i Cryptic 2242 7 diablos 16th April 2018, 11:12
» by diablos
I cryptic 5 thomas 16th April 2018, 10:47
» by cerasus
St4794 8 jimmyd 16th April 2018, 10:44
» by jimmyd
st4794 3 ftsalmon 16th April 2018, 09:27
» by rusty
Stuck again 4 swardrope1711 15th April 2018, 23:01
» by shooty
Express skeleton 7 april 15th April 2018, 22:34
» by shooty
help wanted for linkword 2 snoopy 15th April 2018, 21:12
» by rossim
Times Jumbo 1318 cryptic 5 bigdave1954 15th April 2018, 20:35
» by rusty
RT 16 20 johnno 15th April 2018, 20:10
» by radarman
rainbow learning curve 6 anotheray 15th April 2018, 18:56
» by ringodave
human body parts quiz 3 jintyw 15th April 2018, 18:39
» by jintyw
Sunday Express Skeleton 15 April 2 myla 15th April 2018, 18:33
» by mamya
Everyman 2 dscutler 15th April 2018, 18:15
» by dscutler
Sunday express skeleton 5 birthday girl 15th April 2018, 15:50
» by birthday girl
ST4794 4 63acornwall 15th April 2018, 15:41
» by malone
Times 27012 5 rozbogs 15th April 2018, 14:00
» by malone
Sunday Times General Knowledge Jumbo xword 105 2 yadboh 15th April 2018, 13:38
» by malone
WEE STINKER 30 stevie gee 15th April 2018, 12:42
» by arranbrown
sunday mail cryptic. 4 gareth 15th April 2018, 11:44
» by gareth
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