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Head Coverings 8 flambelle 9th April 2018, 14:25
» by flambelle
Inquisitor 1537 29 bunty 9th April 2018, 11:03
» by jogamel
I cryptic 1 thomas 9th April 2018, 10:52
» by chrise
i Cryptic 2236 6 diablos 9th April 2018, 09:48
» by diablos
Azed 2391 3 bunty 9th April 2018, 09:36
» by bunty
Times 27006 3 ftsalmon 9th April 2018, 08:44
» by ftsalmon
Express skeleton 12 april 9th April 2018, 01:31
» by brendan
a link wordneeded between these 2 words 3 mallory 8th April 2018, 23:41
» by rossim
Parsing help 4 quocunque 8th April 2018, 22:37
» by rossim
Everyman 5 mattie 8th April 2018, 22:05
» by elle
RT 15 2 radarman 8th April 2018, 19:46
» by radarman
HELP!! 3 swardrope1711 8th April 2018, 18:20
» by elle
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 8th April 2018, 18:19
» by ollyblue
Times 27006 4 bigdave1954 8th April 2018, 18:16
» by elle
Funny hat 3 swardrope1711 8th April 2018, 17:44
» by swardrope1711
Today,s Guardian prize 18 leapy 8th April 2018, 16:55
» by roof
Alphapuzzle Saturday 4 landy 8th April 2018, 16:30
» by landy
Wee Stinker 37 john 8th April 2018, 16:21
» by seamus, ayrshire
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1317 4 agibbins 8th April 2018, 15:55
» by jazzgirl
£100 crossword,Sunday mail 6 beth 8th April 2018, 15:30
» by beth
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