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YP 1677 6 cooks07 21st April 2018, 18:47
» by malone
Viz275 3 woodshederic2 21st April 2018, 17:57
» by woodshederic2
icryptic2247 4 rob 21st April 2018, 16:55
» by elle
i cryptic 2247 3 diablos 21st April 2018, 15:19
» by jazzgirl
PE 623 1 jockguy 21st April 2018, 15:17
» by djawhufc
SAT TIMES 27,018 8 hallgreening 21st April 2018, 13:12
» by malone
SAT TIMES 27,018 2 hallgreening 21st April 2018, 11:47
» by hallgreening
HERALD GK 2 sengamur605 21st April 2018, 11:30
» by zozozo
i Cryptic 2247 8 diablos 21st April 2018, 10:59
» by blueice
thanks 1 mary 21st April 2018, 09:00
» by rusty
PRIVATE EYE 623 2 scribbler 20th April 2018, 18:12
» by scribbler
Daily Mail cryptic 3 alistair 20th April 2018, 17:54
» by rusty
times 27015 24dn 3 penda 20th April 2018, 17:32
» by chrise
Speccie 2355 7 the_bard 20th April 2018, 17:05
» by teenieleek
Local cryptic - again! 2 tonta 20th April 2018, 17:04
» by tonta
Local cryptic 10 tonta 20th April 2018, 17:02
» by tonta
Funny wierd cryptic clue 3 milna 20th April 2018, 13:09
» by geevo
i Cryptic 2246 7 diablos 20th April 2018, 10:29
» by jazzgirl
rainbow puzzle "the learning curve" 1 heather39 20th April 2018, 08:28
» by jennifer
Viz craptic 274(adult language) 4 bonytony 20th April 2018, 07:29
» by bonytony
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