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Times Jumbo Cryptic 1317 4 agibbins 8th April 2018, 15:55
» by jazzgirl
£100 crossword,Sunday mail 6 beth 8th April 2018, 15:30
» by beth
Everyman 3730 5 peadar 8th April 2018, 14:06
» by mamya
Mephisto 3006 3 martianalien 8th April 2018, 11:56
» by martianalien
Times Jumbo 1317 Cryptic 2 myla 8th April 2018, 11:20
» by myla
Times 27.006 1 april 8th April 2018, 11:08
» by djawhufc
ST 4793 2 hallgreening 8th April 2018, 10:55
» by hallgreening
Saturday Mail Blankout 4 jazzgirl 8th April 2018, 09:52
» by rossim
Jumbo cryptic 1317 8 merryphil 8th April 2018, 03:24
» by brendan
PEER REVIEW 328 68 bigbadmarty2 7th April 2018, 21:19
» by aristophanes
times jumbo cryptic 1317 7down 8 pleydell 7th April 2018, 21:01
» by bear of lb
Super quick 848 4 wontel 7th April 2018, 20:36
» by brendan
Super quick 848 1 wontel 7th April 2018, 20:31
» by wontel
£150 crossword Daily record 5 beth 7th April 2018, 19:02
» by zozozo
Sat Times Crossword: 27,006 - 11 across 2 rogerjw 7th April 2018, 16:40
» by mamya
daily record £150 1 theresa 7th April 2018, 15:47
» by jazzgirl
Herald GK 703 4 kepple 7th April 2018, 15:42
» by kepple
SAT TIMES 27,006 3 hallgreening 7th April 2018, 13:22
» by rusty
YP1675 3 yorkie 7th April 2018, 13:19
» by mamya
iCryptic 3 rob 7th April 2018, 12:40
» by rob
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