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Herald Clootie 2 myla 22nd April 2018, 17:40
» by myla
Seven days Sunday mail 4 beth 22nd April 2018, 17:25
» by elle
SE Skeleton 9 marj 22nd April 2018, 17:18
» by rusty
thanks 15 bwc 22nd April 2018, 17:05
» by malone
Thanks 4 pedro 22nd April 2018, 16:22
» by mamya
Everyman3732 3 catcharmer 22nd April 2018, 16:20
» by mamya
Inquisitor 1539 38 kirky 22nd April 2018, 14:14
» by mjk
Irish news 3 tonta 22nd April 2018, 13:49
» by tonta
PHEW! LAST CLUE 6 sasha 22nd April 2018, 12:33
» by jazzgirl
Todays Everyman 5 leapy 22nd April 2018, 11:46
» by cymro
Viz 275 (PG advisory) 4 captainspod 22nd April 2018, 10:57
» by captainspod
Viz275 1 woodshederic2 22nd April 2018, 10:15
» by xwordfan
Last clue 2 brahan 22nd April 2018, 07:49
» by rusty
Wall Street Journal 20180421 4 syzygy 22nd April 2018, 04:22
» by aristophanes
Guardian Prize by Paul 37 chrise 21st April 2018, 23:32
» by foxy
Daily Mail p.33 11 scribbler 21st April 2018, 21:14
» by alanjcannon
last few 11 ian 21st April 2018, 20:53
» by mamya
Times Jumbo 1319 - Cryptic 4 bear of lb 21st April 2018, 20:34
» by brendan
TLS 1221 7 ruby7 21st April 2018, 20:19
» by mamya
Herald GK705 3 andyb 21st April 2018, 20:15
» by rusty
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