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i Cryptic 2244 5 diablos 18th April 2018, 11:00
» by diablos
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 6 ollyblue 17th April 2018, 21:17
» by shooty
W in the answer 4 cherub19 17th April 2018, 21:08
» by brendan
MOS YOU MAG 4 17th April 2018, 17:36
» by shooty
Telegraph GK 495 2 lobeydosser 17th April 2018, 16:31
» by lobeydosser
funday Tuesday DR 6 theresa 17th April 2018, 16:21
» by theresa
Inquisitor 1538 4 mjk 17th April 2018, 15:08
» by mjk
Local cryptic 2 trent18 17th April 2018, 14:24
» by lumen
I cryptic 6 thomas 17th April 2018, 13:05
» by jazzgirl
Sir Lancelot MOS 2 17th April 2018, 11:28
» by
Need a helping hand to get started this morning as I am getting nowhere fast. 16 thomas 17th April 2018, 11:22
» by ratslice
i Cryptic 2243 4 diablos 17th April 2018, 11:11
» by cerasus
@chrise Not crossword related 6 rosalind 17th April 2018, 10:40
» by rosalind
In the countryside 6 susie 16th April 2018, 22:23
» by rusty
Place names in uk 4 cherub19 16th April 2018, 19:01
» by cherub19
Everyman 3731 2 april 16th April 2018, 17:57
» by ginge
Spectator 2354 2 truron 16th April 2018, 15:26
» by truron
Viz 275-[PG advisory) 2 hallgreening 16th April 2018, 14:48
» by hallgreening
Viz 275-[PG advisory] 3 hallgreening 16th April 2018, 14:20
» by hallgreening
Today,s Guardian prize 60 leapy 16th April 2018, 13:14
» by spanielsrule
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