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Alphapuzzle DE 16/4/2018 0 sheen79 20th April 2018, 03:10
» by sheen79
CLUELESS 367 41 fieryjack 19th April 2018, 22:58
» by mattrom
Viz craptic 2745(adult language) 3 bonytony 19th April 2018, 20:46
» by bonytony
last clue 2 ann - bristol 19th April 2018, 20:11
» by rossim
Viz 275-[PG advisory]. 8 hallgreening 19th April 2018, 19:22
» by bonytony
Union crossword 2 clues 2 ann - bristol 19th April 2018, 19:02
» by ann - bristol
Inquisitor 1538 39 jogamel 19th April 2018, 17:12
» by betty2
Radial 28 still baffles me. 2 unfitgrandpa 19th April 2018, 14:44
» by cerasus
Anagrammer 3 icauser44 19th April 2018, 13:43
» by mamya
i Cryptic 2245 5 diablos 19th April 2018, 11:35
» by diablos
I crptic 7 thomas 19th April 2018, 10:35
» by cerasus
IQ 1538 6 scarlett 18th April 2018, 22:32
» by kirky
EV 1326 20 gazzar 18th April 2018, 21:06
» by jigjag
RT 17 7 lilacwine 18th April 2018, 21:00
» by chrise
Top Twenty in "Crossword" 0 cockie 18th April 2018, 17:26
» by cockie
PRIV EYE-623 2 hallgreening 18th April 2018, 16:16
» by hallgreening
PRIV EYE-623 3 hallgreening 18th April 2018, 15:49
» by hallgreening
Telegraph cryptic 495 4 lobeydosser 18th April 2018, 12:39
» by lobeydosser
Why 1 radshaz 18th April 2018, 12:16
» by cerasus
Baffled of Barnsley 2 radshaz 18th April 2018, 12:04
» by radshaz
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