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Topic Replies Started by Last post
RT15 5 paul 5th April 2009, 22:17
» by paul
DT 25894 23 down 3 tc 5th April 2009, 22:09
» by big dave
Irish Mail On Sunday 1 toastcake 5th April 2009, 21:11
» by colin e
Things around house - cryptic 3 gingerhendry 5th April 2009, 20:33
» by belling
Cryptic 4 md 5th April 2009, 20:30
» by md
cryptic charity quiz 3 lizzie 5th April 2009, 20:23
» by wombat
chop,chip,chap? 3 gwen 5th April 2009, 19:50
» by gwen
Times 24191 2 may 5th April 2009, 19:34
» by may
Help 2 violet 5th April 2009, 19:24
» by violet
Cryptic previous post 0 md 5th April 2009, 19:09
» by md
DT 25894 10 andy 5th April 2009, 17:22
» by brian
Saturday Times 24,191 2 beth 5th April 2009, 17:10
» by beth
Times jumbo cryptic 807 3 trevor 5th April 2009, 16:23
» by trevor
Cryptic clues 4 md 5th April 2009, 15:45
» by big dave
DT 25894 - 18a 1 andy 5th April 2009, 15:26
» by big dave
DT 25894 21a? 3 jay 5th April 2009, 14:56
» by jay
cryptic 7 mollie 5th April 2009, 14:08
» by mollie
RT15 2 andrew 5th April 2009, 13:35
» by andrew
ST 4323 - last one! 2 rl 5th April 2009, 13:15
» by rl
DT 25,894 Stuck on 2 help please 2 peter 5th April 2009, 13:06
» by peter
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