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16th March 2025, 21:57
Never mind my last. I've just realised the instruction wouldn't work if 45a ended with AN. All done.
41 of 79  -   Report This Post


17th March 2025, 11:56
I think this one may have been a bit over-praised! Like Buddy at post #8, when I first read the clues I thought these are the worse clues I have seen. Are they written by AI or something? No surface!
I thought I was going mad, till the penny dropped.
I actually enjoyed the puzzle. But surely for the gimmick to work, the clues must read like normal Listener clues?
42 of 79  -   Report This Post


17th March 2025, 12:12
In my view this was quite brilliant. Well done Twin .

I am a second (or third) division solver and this one particular appealed for the following reason: I could cold solve half a dozen or so clues and the challenge was in the theme. If the clueing is too difficult I give up after an hour.

It is unfortunate that there are some sour comments on this Forum. I value it greatly so please carry on running it as you think fit, Norah, and please, everyone else, carry on contributing. It is a great help.

As a life-long Welsh supporter (I saw my first game at the old Stadium in 1959) enough things are falling apart.
43 of 79  -   Report This Post


17th March 2025, 13:56
I've just staggered over the finishing line. I am staggered. I thought this was brilliant. Any ordinary setter (I'm one) would have dismissed this idea as absurd and/or unworkable. That's assuming they had the idea in the first place. Kudos to Twin. In as far as I'm able to judge, a great deal of work went into it too. State-of-the-art.
44 of 79  -   Report This Post


17th March 2025, 14:53
I agree with you, Lumen. For me, the best puzzles are those with elegant clues and minimal use of obscure words and meanings, those that really challenge the way you think. Still, it was pretty clever and there were sufficient straightforward clues to get you going.
45 of 79  -   Report This Post


17th March 2025, 15:10
All done and still reeling from the beauty of the construction of this puzzle. Absolutely amazing and surely a candidate for puzzle of the year. Thanks Twin.
46 of 79  -   Report This Post

jack aubrey

17th March 2025, 16:31
I add my voice to the chorus of astonishment and admiration. Utterly brilliant construction, Many thanks to Twin.

I have one loose end in that I can’t parse 37. It doesn’t matter in the wider scheme of things but if anyone can scratch that itch for me I will be grateful.
47 of 79  -   Report This Post


17th March 2025, 16:43
I have completed the first grid except for 37A and it doesn't seem to make any sense except for a reference to "trace".
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17th March 2025, 16:57
37 - definition at end. Wordplay is four letters from trace and two from holy instruction
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jack aubrey

17th March 2025, 17:27
Many thanks, CD. That makes sense of the wordplay; I had the answer with the definition as you indicate but couldn’t see the parsing. My itch is well and truly scratched!
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