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15th March 2025, 18:36
Hi, dim. I struggled with the SW as well, and I note a few other posts here had similar comments. I still have two left actually; I think I know what goes in, but not sure yet. It also took me a second look to interpret the instruction. Keep going.

I have enough to see what a tour de force this is though. Add me to those showering Twin with accolades.
31 of 79  -   Report This Post


15th March 2025, 18:45
Thanks Mondo, your nudge enabled me very quickly to see the light and I agree it is an astonishing construction.

Now to tackle the SW corner.

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15th March 2025, 23:18
Hi Darla

Having now completed both grids I can see that this puzzle is even more a thing of beauty than I had initially realised.

I can get a bit frustrated with these puzzles some weeks (my failing I know) but then comes along something as intricately and imaginatively constructed as this, makes it all worthwhile.

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15th March 2025, 23:53
Excellent puzzle, multi-layered. I remember his 4750 with great fondness as it would have been one of my Mastermind specialist subjects. Superb construction but I do have two remaining queries.

33a Not sure what the first word's doing
16d Can't see the wordplay.

Thanks Twin!
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16th March 2025, 01:01
simond9x - the answer to 33a could describe the ‘o’ (sound) in ‘comedian’. 16d - first two words are definition, then you have a four-letter ‘outsider’ (sportswise) ‘keeping’ a three-letter word for ‘nevertheless’ with a single ‘energy’ letter removed.
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16th March 2025, 08:38
Thanks, quiz.
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16th March 2025, 11:30

What a puzzle, thank you Twin!

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16th March 2025, 15:21
Very clever puzzle. Ingenuity trumps difficulty every time for me. Hats off to Twin for consistently coming up with novel ways to keep us amused!

I've a couple of holes in the top of the original grid, but I'll keep worrying away at them for a bit before asking for a hint.
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16th March 2025, 16:54
A clever device with some very good clues. Fewer obscure meanings would have made it more enjoyable for me, though perhaps they were inevitable given the construction.
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16th March 2025, 21:47
All done now, but one small query....I feel that 45a should end in AN. My solution seems pretty cast iron but...
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