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15th March 2025, 12:22
Gitto - Have sent you a message regarding instruction
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15th March 2025, 13:06
Just one query on a puzzle of breathtaking quality. I'm having trouble with the penultimate word of 38d. Is this just an unfortunate result of the contraints or is there a meaning I haven't considered?
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15th March 2025, 13:33
Midgers, it has the usual crossword meaning, qualifying the final word. Think November 5 for the latter
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15th March 2025, 13:34
Thanks Trastan and Jordan.

I have been ploughing through the comments from last weeks listener as I was way on holiday. Since when have the forum rules stated that only adulation can be expressed for the puzzle? Norahs explanation that she had received an e-mail stating that they knew a setter who had been upset (not offended) by such comments is, I find, a very poor excuse. If you don't like the heat, don't enter the kitchen. drxx, please reconsider as I cannot believe that criticism should lead to your (or anyones) exclusion. Whatever happened to free speech?
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15th March 2025, 13:49
Of course! Thanks.
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15th March 2025, 13:55
Totally agree with you, Gitto. Well said.
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15th March 2025, 15:44
Gitto - totally agree that negative comment should be permitted: we're all grown up, after all. But the comment at #4 last week (now deleted) was more than just negative comment. Like you, I hope drxx will be back soon, but the lesson is there for all of us - criticize by all means but don't denigrate or say that a puzzle is a load of ...
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15th March 2025, 16:05
Many thanks jbird54, it all makes sense now!
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15th March 2025, 18:21
I have identified all the initial letters of the extra words.

Even so I have no idea how to amend the grid.

But since I'm struggling anyway to complete the SW corner of the grid there's not much point in fretting about the endgame.

All very frustrating because it seems like it must be an impressive construction, but that's life.

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15th March 2025, 18:24
Dim - look carefully at each clue. The length of grid entries might help. (Hopefully not too spoilery)

Staggering construction - Jaw dropped at the PDM of what was going with the second grid. And then again at how the final instruction connected the two!

My favourite of the year so far!
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