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14th March 2025, 23:54
Once I understood what was going on, my jaw dropped in amazement. What an absolute masterpiece of construction. Thank you Twin.
11 of 72  -   Report This Post


14th March 2025, 23:56
I've just twigged this and I'm astounded. I shall look forward to doing grid 2 in the morning. What a brilliant puzzle.
12 of 72  -   Report This Post


15th March 2025, 08:14
A very clever construction though the final product (correctly adapted I think) seems just a bit flat if pretty - unless I’ve missed something mind blowing.
13 of 72  -   Report This Post


15th March 2025, 08:36
Read it, Rickye. Flat it aint.
14 of 72  -   Report This Post


15th March 2025, 08:36
Aha! I have seen the light! Yes, very clever indeed.
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15th March 2025, 09:31
Just a tiny doubt in my mind as to whether the quotation should be applied, in which case not all words are real. The rubric only mentions applying the instruction.
16 of 72  -   Report This Post


15th March 2025, 09:45
Yes, a very clever construction, in which filling the second grid preceded the completion of the first for me, and then helped with the first ( as did the carrying out of the instruction).

However, there is till some parsing I can't make out- 44ac, 20d and 29d still leave me puzzled, although I think In have the entries. Tips please?
17 of 72  -   Report This Post


15th March 2025, 10:22
44a - wordplay is 1 + 5 - abbrev for 'navy' + 6 letter 'impudently' missing Rex. Short word omitted.
20d - fist word definition, then 3 letter 'humus' + a string of last letters.
29d - last 2 words definition, wordplay a 6-letter word for 'Lomboc eats' shortened. What do Malaysians have with curry?
18 of 72  -   Report This Post


15th March 2025, 12:00
The SW corner is driving me nuts! I have the first 3 and last letter of 45a, only a handful of words fit, but do not either meet the definition nor the parsing of the clue. What am I not seeing? I'm also assuming the extra word in 33a is very short, but that means I do not understand the instruction (9 words?)
19 of 72  -   Report This Post


15th March 2025, 12:13
45 ac., last word is anagrind, you can work out the fodder from your three letters.

33ac it is a short word, but the initial letter is part of the replacement process rather than the subsequent instruction.
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