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17th December 2024, 00:27
Thanks will37, I see the other definition in Chambers now, which does match “medley”! Also I see a more ring-like trace of the character. Great puzzle. I know some have said it wasn’t very challenging, but I thought there were enough stings in the tail to make it somewhat tricky.
91 of 103  -   Report This Post


17th December 2024, 11:25

I believe this parses as - first word refers to two letters of second word ( one of which is extra) followed by a place in the fens (3 letters) - definition last word.
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17th December 2024, 11:26
No need to thank me, Kitsune. As soon as I posted my feed also updated to reveal previous support!
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17th December 2024, 11:35

I hadn't noticed that - but it prompts me to raise something which has been bugging me for some time. My father would call this a 'Library coincidence'. Another example would be learning a new word in the Listener then hearing somebody use it a few hours later. 'Library' presumably refers to the tendency for two books side by side in a library to be, mirabile dictu, about roughly the same subject. My family have been unable to find a source for the term Library Coincidence. Can anybody help? If Listener solvers are unable to help, I will be forced to conclude that the term was made up by my late father.
94 of 103  -   Report This Post


18th December 2024, 21:18
Coming late to this - can't see 21a. No one else seems to have mentioned it. Cunning?
Otherwise done and quite a nice puzzle.
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18th December 2024, 21:36
Hi Lumen,

21a - 5 letter "cunning" minus extra letter (this is tricky because you're probably used to seeing the synonym as 6 letters and ending with a Y) then 2 letter "bridge players" - definition is "packing cases"
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18th December 2024, 22:49
I see. Thanks!
But East and South don't play together?
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18th December 2024, 23:40
It’s not partners, just players. Usually it would be clued as opponents, but it’s not wrong
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24th December 2024, 17:12
Bit late on this one but felt it was worth a go.
The grid is (hopefully correctly) filled but I have never seen the film(T** E*******) or read anything about it and so I am stuck.

If anyone could give me giant hints I would be very grateful.

Is the "Main Character's" name either K****S or M****N? If not can you provide an extra hint. How is the name entered in the grid (in ring form)? How can a complete grid suddenly get two non-real words/phrases?

It's a very strange grid having so many double letters. Is this just a coincidence?

Some good clueing though!

Merry Christmas
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24th December 2024, 17:48
See candledave's post at #33 as far as your penultimate question is concerned.
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