Hi Elephantparsimomy,
Welcome to the arcane world of the Listener!
The forum usually peters out by about Wednesday so don't be offended if nobody picks up a late post.
6d - def - last two words. Misprint in last. Wordplay - you need to be thinking symbols/abbreviations for first, 4th and fifth word. The rest gives you the order. Not a potato for the first word and I had to guess at the 2 letter word.
5d - def is first 3 words. Misprint in third. Wordplay is a financial word for being behind with a 2 letter word replaced (for) a one letter word.
10a - def first 2. Misprint in first word. 2 letters for Cape, 2 letters for mother. Haven't looked up the 2 letter Cape bit, but think that is right.
19a - def is last two. Misprint in last ( but still not sure about that one). It's a sounds like.
16d - Wordplay is reversed (didn't know it myself) . Def is last word. And it's not a re- anything type definition, if that helps.
Good luck and keep going. You can get it in the post on Monday to get to Hohn by Thursday.