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13th December 2024, 18:31
Good to see you got there, 0pt0 (and that you could still appreciate the construction after quite a slog).
101 of 106  -   Report This Post


13th December 2024, 19:05
10a - misprint in first word - an African tribe is the def (probably best using wiki rather than scour Chambers) and you're looking for a country [anag 9th word missing one 't' + re(specting) + A(merican)].
19a - sounds like 'seats' (for ''fixes'') and it's where families of badgers live (misprint last word).
16d - ''scrats'' is scratches/tears, reverse an obscure synonym for the answer - it's a common word for ''reuse'' (after it's been corrected).
6d def is last two words and misprint is very last letter - w/play - ''chip'' is an abbrev (2 initials) inside 2 letters for the element + the single letter for 'inductance'.
5d def is someone who arranges - or, ''set but''/arrange (after it's been corrected).
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13th December 2024, 19:11
(Sorry, gave 11a) for 10a - misprint in first word def is first 2 words - usual abbrev for ''cape'' (1) shorten ''of'' to 'o' and the usual ''mother'' (it's a different/rare meaning for a common word).
103 of 106  -   Report This Post


13th December 2024, 19:26
Hi Elephantparsimomy,

Welcome to the arcane world of the Listener!

The forum usually peters out by about Wednesday so don't be offended if nobody picks up a late post.

6d - def - last two words. Misprint in last. Wordplay - you need to be thinking symbols/abbreviations for first, 4th and fifth word. The rest gives you the order. Not a potato for the first word and I had to guess at the 2 letter word.

5d - def is first 3 words. Misprint in third. Wordplay is a financial word for being behind with a 2 letter word replaced (for) a one letter word.

10a - def first 2. Misprint in first word. 2 letters for Cape, 2 letters for mother. Haven't looked up the 2 letter Cape bit, but think that is right.

19a - def is last two. Misprint in last ( but still not sure about that one). It's a sounds like.

16d - Wordplay is reversed (didn't know it myself) . Def is last word. And it's not a re- anything type definition, if that helps.

Good luck and keep going. You can get it in the post on Monday to get to Hohn by Thursday.
104 of 106  -   Report This Post


13th December 2024, 19:47
Ah, I see Drxx got in before me. I think we largely agree. Drxx's explanation for first two letters of 10a is correct. Cleared up a gap for me too!
105 of 106  -   Report This Post


13th December 2024, 20:59
Thank you so much Whistler and drxx for those responses!
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