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7th February 2025, 17:14

It was worse than you think. Although it was in summer, the night was quite chilly. The acting was good and fast-moving, but I did not appreciate the "entertainment" in the interval, though others did. There was no food or hot drinks for sale, although you could buy soft drinks. After the interval, it started to drizzle. Of course, I had not brought a coat or hat, but I stuck it out, unlike many others who sought shelter. I got home soaked, hungry and thirsty. I cant really blame JA for this, but it was as bad a night out as possible, and I have had a few.

At least it was free, and the next day the couple who had given me the tickets asked me about it. I remembered my manners and told them how fantastic it had been.
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7th February 2025, 17:15

I know 1 and 3
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7th February 2025, 17:25
I've found 2 and 4
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7th February 2025, 17:27
Is it coincidence that 2, 3, and 4 all contain numbers in their titles?
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7th February 2025, 21:18
Jigjag, thanks for the fuller report. I wouldn't like being chilly, I wouldn't like there being no food or hot drinks and I'd probably have left when the drizzle, rain, started. I'm impressed that you were able to say that you'd had a fantastic evening, very mannerly!
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7th February 2025, 22:53

I am sorry you had that experience, but it was decent of you to say you had had a great time. I have had only one country house experience - a murder mystery evening which did not go well.
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14th February 2025, 09:41
From a BBC news item today about rain and flooding in LA:

The storm brought torrential rain to LA County, impacting fire ravaged neighbourhoods and causing mandatory evocations orders.
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14th February 2025, 12:02
Another BBC News item headline, Lancashire local:

Medieval lover's ring found in field goes on show

The article gives its date as 1650-1750!
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14th February 2025, 12:56
Don't know if I've posted this before:

Western Mail:

Lover's argument
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14th February 2025, 13:46
I had not been to the market café for a few weeks, but I called in today for breakfast and ordered 2 eggs on toast.

“How would you like the eggs?” asked Cassie.

“Well, I read in the newspapers that top restaurants are boiling eggs for 2 minutes in water at 100 degrees C, then transferring them to water at 65 degrees C for another 2 minutes. The process is repeated, and after 32 minutes, you get perfectly cooked yolks and whites. I don’t mind waiting” I replied.

“I’ll see what I can do” she said.

Five minutes later, I was served a plate of 2 poached eggs.

“Where’s the toast?” I enquired.

“Paul is adopting the method used in top restaurants” she replied. “2 minutes under the grill on high, followed by 2 minutes in the toaster on low, alternating a few times until it is perfect. It will be about 10 minutes”.

I knew I shouldn’t have asked.
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