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26th July 2024, 19:27

Loved your latest market cafe story. I have heard the question, but have never bothered to try to work it out. It seems that Cassie got the better of you again!

Simple simon

I didnt know there was an answer to the question, but I enjoyed adding up those beans and half-beans. Just had to check!
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26th July 2024, 19:33
Simple simon

What a lovely retirement present - a personalised crossword by the great compiler. I like the elegant clue re beans.

I must tell Cassie your answer, but not sure she will be able to add them up.


Glad you enjoyed it.
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27th July 2024, 10:37
I had a rather sleepless night worrying about your being overcharged for your breakfast and its indeterminate quantity of legumes. I certainly think Trade Standards should now be involved and the issue escalated. Whilst bacon and eggs can be easily enumerated - 1 slice, 2 eggs etc - beans need to be similarly catered for, e.g. 1, 2 or 3 table spoonfuls. She can’t just serve a random portion, like some mess of pottage! I believe Cassie is probably overcharging and has probably done so for years - no doubt banking her excess profits on some overseas tax haven - check what type of car she drives for starters. She should be advised the Treasury could be on to her - and they have plenty of bean counters.
This could get violent.
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4th August 2024, 20:03
Just seen an advert for toothpaste in which the voiceover started "Bacteria causes plaque...". Who proofreads these?
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4th August 2024, 20:54
Not as bad as this, in the South Wales Echo:

Lover's tiff.

Apologies if this has been posted before:

Who led the pedants' revolt?

Which Tyler.
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4th August 2024, 21:01
I saw an item in yesterday's Guardian about Yorkshire having to redo a poster campaign about litter with the slogan "Gerrit in't bin" because the apostrophe was in the wrong place (it should have been "Gerrit in t'bin"), arguing that we should do without apostrophes altogether because no-one knows how to use them!
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5th August 2024, 12:28
Simple Simon

Many thanks for your humorous posting. Sorry for the delay in replying, but I was away last week.

Yes, I must tackle Cassie about this. The number of items on 5 or 9 item breakfasts have always been a problem for me there. I might hint at legal action, but she always has a retort which throws me. I have always wondered what bean counters do, so thanks for the idea. I might take one with me on my next visit.
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5th August 2024, 12:32

I half-heard an item on the northern news, which said that 3 important women from Wigan were in Paris for the Olympics. They mentioned Keely Hodgkinson, and Culture Secretary, Lisa Nando, but I didnt catch who was the third. Was it you?
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5th August 2024, 17:42

Sadly I am at home rather than in Paris. I was not selected for the games despite my great efforts in the bakery trials.

I am getting fed up with the commentators who pronounced Chile as Chi-LAY and Turkey as Turk-ee-yay, and they dont seem to know which Korea is which.

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8th August 2024, 11:14
Jigjag, I enjoyed your latest market cafe story, and also Simplesimon's reply. I had never heard anyone use (in speech or in writing) the 'how many beans...?' thing, so it was an interesting new thing.

I've just had one of my 'Tut' moments - when Tut is voiced loudly and my head does some shaking too. Reading a novel this morning, I came across the following sentence...

'He'd seen her drinking a glass of wine through the kitchen window...' My first thought was , Silly woman, why didn't she use a straw?
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