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14th May 2024, 16:52
As a follow up to Cassie’s interest in science - after all her name could almost, loosely, be an anagram of science - albeit not quite the right letters, but we digress - you might suggest to her that she rename her esteemed establishment to “ cafe at the end of the universe” . Get her to Google “ Restaurant at the end of the Universe” and gain inspiration from Mr Adam’s wonderful quotes - especially those about people who wish to govern others. Enjoy you next omel ( half an omelette)
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14th May 2024, 17:22
SimpleSimon, you’ve reminded me of “Jay’s midweek puzzle No.4”.

You’ll find it if you search for Jay in the search box. See clue 15!

Hard to believe that was two year’s ago.
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14th May 2024, 17:35
Jono, thanks for that, we’ll check it out.
Meanwhile, as it’s hissing down and the bowling has been cancelled, we’re playing around with an anagram of “ Cassie’s
omelette “ - so far arrived at “ sees mice eat lots”.
Think JigJag should advise Cassie, who will probably take umbrage thinking the cafe’s infested.
Meanwhile, you should be working on further goes at
“ Cramboclink” - some smashing ones so far.
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14th May 2024, 20:25
It's more frequent to hear idiots on TV say "you can't underestimate.." when they mean "you can't overestimate..". I've just heard "respected food critic" William Sitwell on Masterchef say it.
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22nd May 2024, 12:55

Apologies for the delay - I have been away.

Yes, I see that Cassie's name has lots of potential for anagrams and crossword clues. I must mention this to her, but probably avoid the "mice" one. She would certainly take offence at that.

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22nd May 2024, 13:20
Nice to see you back, hope you had a great time.
Pouring with rain here, so no bowling this pm. Instead, enthralled watching Paula Vennels being grilled live on the BBC.

Looking forward to your next cafe outing report.
Kind regards.
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22nd May 2024, 13:40

Thanks, yes, I must go there next week
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22nd May 2024, 13:50

As far as I know, Railway Ron has no interest in model trains, but he worked on the railway, and is an expert on timetables.
A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was planning a trip to London and that set him off:

“Go off-peak but don’t get a direct train……………….they come from Llandudno and are always crowded…………………..the announcements are in Welsh…………….get the local train to Crewe………………..arrives Platform 10, cross to Platform 11………………….”

he droned on, but I wasn’t really listening,

“get the 10.45 to Euston……………..comes from Liverpool and is never crowded……… Coach G at the front of the train……….. have you got a Railcard?”

I didn’t take any notice, which I was to regret. I booked a direct train, which was crowded as seats had been double-booked, and passengers were advised to get off at Crewe and take another train. I must listen to him next time.
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22nd May 2024, 21:40

That was interesting. I know what it is like trying to understand information from somebody who is giving you so much. You cant take it all in and just switch off.

I take RRs point about the announcements in Welsh. I find them very irritating, particularly the "Weddy xxxxx, Weddy xxxxx, Weddy xxxxx" which I assume is a sort of "See it, say it, sorted"

I hope your journey home was better than that going down (or is it up?)
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1st June 2024, 21:14
Grrr... the book I'm reading has used "enormity" to mean "large-sized", and now "hair-brained". Do they not have editors?
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