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19th October 2020, 22:02
Another from a Times Jumbo circa 2995.
Move quickly in following reconstructed walkway by canal (6,4)
-O-I-G -A-H so I've got TOWING PATH but no parsing other than WING may be the moving quickly element?
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20th October 2020, 15:54
An old buddy who is mooting this as well has suggested that "TO PATH" may mean to follow. Does this gel with anybody's thoughts?
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20th October 2020, 16:04
i've never heard the path along a canal called anything other than towpath (one word).
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20th October 2020, 16:10
I agree with that thought, but feel towing path may be archaic, from when the horses actually towed the barges. An apology is due here - a lightbulb moment has come to me in realising that the next clue's answer in this old crossword is TOP HAT. Thus "following reconstructed" is TOPATH and putting to move quickly i.e. WING inside gives us TOWING PATH. Again, apologies as nobody who could not see this in context would have any chance of resolution!
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20th October 2020, 16:20
Ahh, thanks for clearing that up. I’d even got as far as the top hat anagram. Sometimes need to think outside the clue ;)
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21st October 2020, 10:31
The next cryptics are pre-1955 Telegraphs, when the definition of a good cryptic clue was perhaps not so strict, and that in itself can be an issue. And sometimes it's just a really obscure word that is actually clued in a straightforward manner - but no way to tell such a beast apart.
Suggests a repulsive dish, even for so great a villain (6)
-I-A-E and I have PILATE where the first syllable may relate to PIE, a dish?
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21st October 2020, 10:37
Pirate? As in pirate dishes. All the rage in the 50s
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21st October 2020, 10:51
Sorry that auto corrected, pirate/Pyrex was the intended reference, it’s a bit weak
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21st October 2020, 11:18
One meaning of repulsive is cold, as in forbidding, so I think I would go with Pilate, as in Pie late.
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21st October 2020, 21:11
Reported. Noted several threads spammed
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