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22nd March 2020, 04:46
Crates, re your post at #52, do not place an L outside the grid.

Three of the entries are different from those that appear on Wikipedia, and 23 is one of those. I would say that 'Brewer's is not just to be "recommended" - it's essential.

Not a satisfactory puzzle, in my opinion. The connection between quotation and thematic treatment is tenuous, to say the least.
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22nd March 2020, 07:08
I'm afraid that, 24 hours after having got the quotation, and almost all the clues (except 9ac, 11d), I still have no idea abut the unclueds. More tips please!

Keep well everyone
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22nd March 2020, 07:51
Hi Dylan

37a gave it to me.

The clue numbers are relevant for all of the unclued answers.

What coils the answer to 37a be? All of the answers have had something done to them before entry which is common in this type of puzzle.
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22nd March 2020, 09:16
Thanks murky - Have Brewers - As at laptop when completing final part (unclued entries) was easy to just google - Didn't think to double check!
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22nd March 2020, 10:22
I’m still trying to complete the clued entries. Any hints with 4d, 7d and 28d would be greatly appreciated.
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22nd March 2020, 10:49
Hi, numbskull,

By coincidence, the wordplay to 28dn includes the answer to 29dn in today’s Azed Crossword. You need to add a letter in “bint”. The wordplay involves a phrasal verb (if you are “determined about” a course of action, you may be “??? ??” the course of action), around the usual abbreviation for “son”.
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22nd March 2020, 10:53
Numbskull, in 7dn, you need to add a letter in “lance”. The wordplay is the letter that looks like a ring, followed by the usual two-letter abbreviation for “road”.

4dn is an old word for “puts up” in the sense of “stays at”. As a plural noun, the answer refers to locations where you might “put up”. This is a normal clue.
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22nd March 2020, 10:55
Oops, I’ve given away the extra letter in 7dn in my previous post. Sorry!
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22nd March 2020, 11:38
Crates, the tricky bit is knowing where to look in Brewer's. I tried various headwords, including words from the quote and the grid without success. In the end I found the relevenat pages under a word beginning with R.
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22nd March 2020, 11:38
Thank you Wintonian, I had the extra letter in bint but couldn’t make any progress. Also 4d and 7d are now clear.
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