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20th March 2020, 23:58
I don't know if this breaches etiquette, forum rules or whatever. If it does, I apologise but these are strange times. I've been self-isolating for a week now and won't be buying the paper tomorrow. So, the problem is.... how to get through the next few days of isolation? Is there any kind soul who could provide a link to the puzzle or a scan of it, please? I never submit my answers, it's purely for enjoyment and, right now, stimulation.

And for the rest...... no BLOCK CAPITAL spoilers please! It's been a great two weeks without them and hasn't prevented detailed discussions.
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21st March 2020, 00:21

Do you have an email address I can send a copy to?
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21st March 2020, 01:51
simon9x, I take a screen snip and print it out on 2 pages to give myself more scribble room. The definition isn't great.
If these links work..
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21st March 2020, 04:54
I‘ve solved all except the unclued entries but I’m at a loss as to what quotation might start with the given word, or the general theme. Could anyone nudge me in the right direction?
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21st March 2020, 06:56
The circled letters are probably enough to figure out the theme and you've probably noticed that the unclueds are treated somehow (the preamble kind of says how). Basically, you don't really have to figure out the quotation (but it helps)
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21st March 2020, 06:59
Many thanks, djawhufc and mattrom!!
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21st March 2020, 07:43
Thanks Gabriela,

Treated keeping the same letters, or treated with some substitution?
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21st March 2020, 08:50
keeping same
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21st March 2020, 08:54
I’m utterly confused then. Been staring at this grid for hours waiting for the penny to drop. Have something for 37ac, but can’t make the rest budge.
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21st March 2020, 09:31
I have solved most of the clued answers, got a couple I am not sure about, but the unclued ones mean nothing to me at all, and I dont know any quote starting with a 14 letter word lol. Three of the circled letters are in unclued answers and clues I have not yet solved grr.

To simond9x - there is a nice man on this forum who sends out the Listener to me and others I think, every week, because I live out of the UK. He might be in here anon.
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