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21st March 2020, 13:46
Thanks Foinaven. I have just seen your reply. I still cannot parse 29 down.
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21st March 2020, 13:48
You can find it on the web by searching on 'X is' (where X is The Word) and asking for a quotation. However, the quote is nothing to do with the six circled letters. The second line has a connection to 37a but it seems very tenuous to me. I am still struggling with 1a, 2d and 5d, and an not particularly convinced by the other three.

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21st March 2020, 13:50
I think that the definition is the first word, with an extra letter. The first four letters are 'ball' (tenuous) and then I think the rest is backwards (toss?) . However, this is all a bit far fetched
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21st March 2020, 13:56
the clue numbers are significant for the unclued
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21st March 2020, 14:01
Re 29a, I think the first two letters (for ball) replace the original two in a word that means a sort of club ie dining.
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21st March 2020, 14:17
I agree with Foinaven about 29d. I.e. the definition is the first word + missing letter.
If you look up "toss" in Chambers , you'll eventually come across a word that you can work from.
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21st March 2020, 15:15
I thought 29d - one of the 14 affected clues - was a tad contrived and making 'around' its last word would have improved it.
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21st March 2020, 15:39
Going back to 17ac, my Chambers doesn’t have girls names at the back so I have no idea whether the answer ends lise or lize.
Can anyone confirm please? Many thanks.
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21st March 2020, 15:45
My Chambers has Liz and Lise, but not Lize, as abbreviations for Elizabeth
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21st March 2020, 15:46
Unclued, I think it has to be “s”.

Help with wordplay for 31, please? Don’t understand “old lady”. Thanks.
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