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21st March 2020, 19:45
Previous posts looking for copies of the crossword - I keep pdf's of current and earlier challenges. Happy to share on
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21st March 2020, 21:26
Completed the puzzle Ok - but thought I would visit the site with two queries
1) 23A - needed extra letter (I placed it outside grid) confirmed by others so just a mistake by setter.
2) 29D - Sure answer is correct - but parse? - First 4 letters meant to be synonym for ball ? (tenuous) and if so how do the last 2 letters work or is there something I haven't seen?

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21st March 2020, 21:30
crates, find a synonym for the last word and swap out some letters for another letter
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21st March 2020, 22:02
Thanks lexawkward - Thought of substitution but hadn't got that synonym - a slightly contrived clue - but being ''a dog with a bone' I can now put it aside....
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21st March 2020, 23:15
I believe that 10 should be singular, not plural as in the grid.
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21st March 2020, 23:27
Can anyone assist with the wordplay for 18A?
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22nd March 2020, 00:04
Shortened version of 'of' + Latin plural 'gods' plus 'ultimate in...'
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22nd March 2020, 00:06
ASV, we need a 2-letter Latin plural for gods between the usual single letter for of and the last letter of dominion.

Despite many helpful hints I still don’t fully understand 29d.

I found that the combination of two hints on here got me to the unclued entries without the need for the quotation. Unjumbling 37a and googling the resulting word in connection with the number 37 did the trick.

Thanks to all and best wishes for more good puzzles, especially for those who are self-isolating!
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22nd March 2020, 00:28
Thanks, both. rad: regarding 29 down, start with a word meaning "to toss about" verbally (olympic throwing event, we hear) and replace an informal (in my mind chiefly Geordie) way of saying "me" therein with a single letter signifying a ball.
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22nd March 2020, 00:31
rad re 29D- after my post #52 -lexawkward explained it.
Presume you have first word of clue (once letter added) for defn - then wordplay is a 7 letter word synonym for 'toss' (new to me - but in chambers) substituting 2 letter vernacular word for 'me' with 1 letter (usual crossword indicator) for 'ball' .
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