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15th September 2019, 21:18
As the seven treated clues are not important for solving the puzzle I just accepted them for understanding the parsing and identifying the first letters to get the one-time partner.
re 13A I did not think too much about it - presumed the clue was both the defn and wordplay - defn: short-lived 4th revolutionary calendar month - wordplay number (abbrev) + four + of (abbrev) + reversed psychological programme ES(T).
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15th September 2019, 21:31
Thank you crates. It was just EST that I hadn’t sussed. I’ve got most of the treated clues, except for 23a, and you do have to move phrases around the seven clues
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16th September 2019, 11:27
I have one clue outstanding that I cannot resolve:-

23a Running behind with elite guards leaving during sea voyage

It is a treated clue and, although I have resolved the other six treated clues, I cannot see how to obtain the final two letters of the answer. The definition of the answer must be moved from another treated clue to 23a, and I think that the final three words of the clue for 23a are moved to another treated clue.

Any help with this would be very welcome
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16th September 2019, 11:41
Casanova, the definition “running behind” refers to an eight-letter noun, not a four-letter adjective
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16th September 2019, 12:03
Thank you quisling. It couldn’t have been much more obvious!
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16th September 2019, 12:38

23ac Running behind with elite guards leaving (LA TENE (ss) + 25 Ac Site of ancient culture.

25ac Poet's to go off (EMP A IRE) Australian + 4Dn in total control.

34ac Little creations (OPUSCULA anag) Paul Bocuse + 26Dn endlessly whipped up

4Dn Moped (VESPA) around part of church + 8d after middle of serVice

8Dn Regarding unfinished public toilet + 14Dn on the throne (RE GENTs)

14Dn Scottish one's turned sick + 23Ac during sea voyage (LI LLI AS SAIL containing ILL all reversed)

26 Dn Vessel (M UD SCOW) + over in Russian capital must be + 34Ac unloaded on the wings (UD for O in MOSCOW)
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17th September 2019, 22:37
Seems you have all finished, but I am stuck on 20d and 28d, which haven't come up in discussion so far. Help, please.
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17th September 2019, 22:54
Hi Nashalbu. 20d is the usual abbreviation for queen, plus G (from initially gives) inside an unusual synonym for ‘more attractive’ (US slang). Definition is ‘venomous type’ (a snake). 28d... ‘pain’ as in French bread. So the common accompaniment to bread, but in French
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18th September 2019, 08:36
Thank you, Merenz. If I had written 34a correctly l should have got 28d. Can now complete the grid.
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22nd September 2019, 23:49
I particularly like it when — as in this case — it is only as you find the final link that the meaning of the title becomes clear (and adds reassurance that you were on the right track!)
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