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14th September 2019, 11:49
Do you mean the title of the (3, 5, 5) album?
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14th September 2019, 12:05
I've completed , but the column change only seems to involve one letter and one of the ones in the rows forms part of two answers. Is that what you have, Gitto?
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14th September 2019, 12:05
Yes - but towards the NE quadrant is nearer the mark, but not all the title is visible (yet)
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14th September 2019, 12:08
Tony - that is what is exactly confusing me - the 7 clues can all be treated thematically, swapping parts in the clues, to give 7 new clues that clearly define the answers. As per all the definitions of the theme, that I can find, these all entail using whole words, and never a single word, nevermind a single letter!
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14th September 2019, 12:09
The full title is visible. 6 letters transfer in 2 rows and 1 letter in 2 columns, if I've got it right.
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14th September 2019, 12:15
I see what you mean, Gitto, but I can't resolve it any other way.
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14th September 2019, 12:17
Is the full title (9, 4)?
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14th September 2019, 12:17
Ah, yes, I see. Thanks, Gitto.
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14th September 2019, 12:17
I've got about 95% now but have hit a wall with 14d...Scottish one's turned sick on the throne (7). I have made the thematic operation (going out, but not in) and now have LI?LIAS, which can't give me a real word. So I wonder if I have got 16a wrong (although there appears to be only one possible answer), or have introduced an error elsewhere which I just cannot see. Thanks for any hints to resolve this!
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14th September 2019, 12:18
Got the technique but buggered if I can apply it to the treated clues. For this bear brain it's probably on a par with Printer's Devilry and therefore way over my head😒
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