Grunger (at 17.55/18.55)
I got stuck halfway through yesterday's Times puzzle, put it aside - and then forgot to return. It sounds as if I didn't miss much! Today's was definitely different, I was disappointed that it was so straightforward - I had it finished before breakfast.
I'd pay good money to see Jigjag striding along, playing the bagpipes as he marched along at a rate of knots (I think he's happy with nautical terms). It'd be one way of clearing people out of one's path - a single bagpiper is often not the most melodic of musical options. (Pipe bands are more stirring, but they're not out and about, too hard to self-distance, march in stride and play 'We're No' Awa' Tae Bide Awa' ' at the same time.
I will follow your advice about assessing all aspects of any walker coming towards me. As far as the dog-walkers go, I tend to cross the road when I see any of them approaching. I've had enough 'he's very friendly ...really' remarks to last a lifetime. These are usually applied to very bouncy, very yappy, very snappy … very everything dogs!