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7th April 2020, 14:15

i like your clueless clue - clearly thinking of shadow cabinet
1391 of 2514  -   Report This Post


7th April 2020, 14:16
I think the BBC should show the film `Groundhog Day` every day - it might cheer us all up!

My `Corona` beard is coming on quite well and I haven`t got a single weed in the garden - for a change!
1392 of 2514  -   Report This Post


7th April 2020, 14:19

Pleased you got the reference to Ed and Lisa

I`m sure Lisa has a bright future - leadership might not be right for her just yet.
1393 of 2514  -   Report This Post


7th April 2020, 15:30

Glad to hear 13 A caused you no problems at all. I'm surprised you had difficulties with 6 D. - I'm sure you'll have encountered Utopism before.

Don't rush to head out on 26th April. The 'hundred days' is, of course subject to change and I know you will follow any Government advice.

The man who climbed Everest in his house is probably best pals with all the people who ran marathons in their gardens. I don't know which is worse - people doing these things or other people watching them. No, the watchers don't have to break the rules, leave, their homes -apparently we all have access to a big tube (U-Tube maybe?) that brings all these things into our homes.
1394 of 2514  -   Report This Post


7th April 2020, 18:37

Thanks - I knew you would get it. I had only considered words beginning UN....... I see now that it is POT upside down inside. Clever.

I hadn't heard about the marathon runners. How do they measure it, or is it a marathon in the sense that is a long run? Pheidippides didn't have this problem - he just ran in a straight line which must be easier.

The last tube I saw was in Florida last year. In a "lazy river", there were big rubber rings but they were calling them "toobes" which I didn't understand.

I received a letter from the government today, rather too late I feel, but I have been following the "advice" anyway

1395 of 2514  -   Report This Post


7th April 2020, 18:54
I was doing my daily exercise today in a deserted park when a "community officer" approached me.

“Do you mind telling me what you are doing, madam?” he asked from a safe distance.

“It’s my daily exercise.” I replied.

“But you can only walk, run or cycle, and yet you are walking a few steps, then a hop and waving your arms about.”

“Those are examples of exercise but I am practising my bowling.”

“Bowling what?”

“Off-breaks”, I explained.

“But shouldn’t you have a ball or something?” he asked.

“That might be considered dangerous, so I am managing without one.”

He was not happy and said he would look into it, but I am sure it is in order.
1396 of 2514  -   Report This Post


7th April 2020, 19:07

I`m relieved the `community officer` didn`t show you his googly.
1397 of 2514  -   Report This Post


7th April 2020, 19:07

Your thinking cap must have slipped - I'm sure you'd normally have got Utopism in a flash.

One of the recent at-home marathons was run in a man's 20 foot backyard. Goodness knows how many circuits were involved … a lot, anyway.

I haven't heard from the government yet. That's quite a relief, I have enough penpals already.

The lazy river sounded appealing, the 'toobes' less so.
1398 of 2514  -   Report This Post


7th April 2020, 19:13

What a pity you ran into a real jobsworth during your exercise. He obviously didn't appreciate your regime/routine, but surely everyone knows that varied exercise is the most effective? My mother was a very keen bowler, but I have to say I never saw her walk, hop and then wave her arms about in the air. I don't think the members of her bowling club would have approved of that, they were a very decorous bunch.

I wish you hadn't mentioned 'off-breaks', it's ages since I got to go anywhere. I've been torturing myself by making lists of all the places I will visit when I am released.
1399 of 2514  -   Report This Post


7th April 2020, 23:41
The garden marathon runners (the first one I saw reported was actually done going to and fro on a 7 metre long balcony) use those wrist devices which measure how many steps you have taken and hence how far. Pedometers, basically, but much more sophisticated nowadays.
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