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12th April 2020, 11:44

I coud use one for putting pies in the oven, like in Pizza places. Could you send me one please.

Your daily exercise seems much more exciting than my rather dull routine.

I read that the the end of the good weather coincided with the end of the Easter period. But from what you say, it only starts today.
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12th April 2020, 12:20
Two headlines from my local newspaper yesterday:



Trust they to get it wrong. And the plural of a lowlife (a criminal) has to be lowlifes, else what is a lowlive?
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12th April 2020, 14:05

Thanks. Is lowlife actually a word or should it be 2?
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12th April 2020, 14:31
I checked with Chambers, grunger, and it's rather interesting.

Two words for someone in sordid social circumstances (that's probably most of us who post here) or people of low social class (ditto).

But one word for a criminal or otherwise disreputable person.
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12th April 2020, 15:29
Orson & Grunger

I think the `journalist` (so called ) should have used scumbags instead of lowlives - less chance of a grammatical mistake.


I`d welcome the opportunity of meeting Lord Sugar so I can tell him where to stick his Dragons.
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12th April 2020, 17:15

In that case I qualify for both. But which category is "superior", as I should like to be placed in that.
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12th April 2020, 17:29
Grunger, Jigjag, Tyke, Orson (and anyone I've missed!)

I've just caught up on all the carrots/carats, sticks, dragons and lowlife stuff - an interesting and entertaining Sunday afternoon.

Jigjag, with all the effort you've expended, the modifications and improvements you've tested … you really are entitled to call yourself Chairman Of The Board*. Wear your title with pride, even though it doesn't take you into the 'key worker' category.

Feel free to say that some of my ramblings entitle me to be called 'Convenor Of The Bored'.
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12th April 2020, 19:06
Grunger, as I understand it from Chambers, a low life is someone who is poor or leads a menial life, but not a bad person. A lowlife is a baddie. But I doubt if anyone follows that distinction and the word(s) is best avoided. I hope my little joke above did not offend anyone. In truth I imagine all of you dining at the ends of long tables with silver cutlery and being served by maids and butlers.
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12th April 2020, 19:13

Currently I`m living in splendid isolation at Tyke Towers - I`ve had to furlough all the staff, sadly.
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12th April 2020, 19:34

I'm sure nobody was offended, but it got me reflecting upon my life. I am disreputable, certainly, which puts me in the Chambers definition of "lowlife", and yet I would not say I was a baddie.

I am also in the "sordid" definition of "low life". Perhaps a third category should be "low-life" used when we are not sure, but I agree it is too difficult and we should use something else. Tyke's scumbags is a word I often use, but not to describe myself.
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