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26th August 2018, 02:48
It is 3, 7.
Two cells are used twice.
71 of 93  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 06:00
Thanks, sunray - I thought Orson (and anyone else) would have a 'd'oh' moment and realise that the first part of their 1,7 was not a number!
72 of 93  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 08:54
Can no-one put me out of my misery with regard to the fourth member of the group containing 38A, 21D and 25D? I'm forced to conclude it's 1D, but I have no idea why. If it is, then in what language?
73 of 93  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 08:59
cockie, here's what Mr Wiki says:

Sten is a Scandinavian male given name. Literally meaning "stone" or "cliff", it derives from a literal translation of Peter into the North Germanic languages
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26th August 2018, 09:00
And thanks sunray and malone!
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26th August 2018, 09:05
Thanks, Nelson. They taught me French and German at school, but we never got round to Scandinavian. You learn something every day.
76 of 93  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 13:13
Nelson, glad I could help.

PS This post is partly to bump the spam down the page!
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26th August 2018, 14:01
Late start this morning. Would appreciate a nudge.

33ac I'm torn between OKRAS and SKRAN. Can't parse.

18d is also troubling me. I have RA?G?

I know the theme and the 4 answers. Have 3 completed groups.

Is the fourth group plants, the first two being 4d and 12ac?
Okras would give me a third for the final group.

But, apart from 33ac and 18d, the grid is full yet I can't spot the 4th.
Can anyone help please?
78 of 93  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 14:12

For 18d, take "grieved" letters from gravediggers and anagram 5 remaining letters. 33a will be obvious.

4d is in a group of anagrams of the answer. Such as Darn.

You do not need the groups for the final step.
79 of 93  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 14:13
33 Skran is food and Narks, informers/people who sing.

18 D. Take the first word from the clue out of the third.

PS It's usually better to give the clues.

PS I didn't get all the groups.
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