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25th August 2018, 20:11
Look at BBC4, sunray!
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25th August 2018, 20:13
Thanks kirky. I now have the name.

My missing letters are not correct but am not going to bother to correct them.

The number seems to be obvious.
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25th August 2018, 20:22
Now please can someone help me with 25a and 25d. I was doing so well...
The French actor...
AND No end of polish given to imitation rock
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25th August 2018, 20:22
I'm late joining this...

Orson - 1,7 doesn't work for the numbers, you need a slight variation!
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25th August 2018, 20:49
25a was answered before. $ letter word related to grandparents reverse. Or what a volcano spews out. Plus N plus T.
I had not heard of this actor.

Once you get the first letter of 25a, 25d may be easy.
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25th August 2018, 20:50
Thanks orson.
No BBC4 here. PBS may show it at some point.
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25th August 2018, 21:17
Thank you Sunray. I knew there was a word relating to grandparents but for the life of me couldn’t think of it.
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25th August 2018, 21:29
Hi malone. I don't see where I've gone wrong with the number. It says shade 24 cells altogether and I make it 16 for the person's name, leaving 8 for the relevant number. Not that I ever enter the puzzle as I don't like chocolates.
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25th August 2018, 21:34
Orson, it was the 1,7 that troubled me - one of the 7 would have been already used, I think. I have a slightly different configuration!
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26th August 2018, 00:25
malone, I can see a way of getting the same answer as orson - but split into two parts and starting at the second letter of 32a.
But are you saying the number is not 1, 7?
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