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25th August 2018, 16:17
Help please with:
1d Musician's lacking arm (4) ST?? possibly E for the 3rd letter

8d Being penned by CS gas, lawfully controlled (5) A?LAN

Can't see the wordplay for these:

17a Out of time, epistoler given dead shoulder in Glasgow ...i have
28a Wasting no time, wanting top Indian destination GOA
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25th August 2018, 16:22
Sunray, the word means a kindly tenant in Scotland. A tall story is hard to believe.

43 is an anagram of lords-and-ladies with the letters of road missing.
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25th August 2018, 16:26
Def is 'kindly tenant'.

Letter meaning 'base' in two letter abb for navy+ a word meaning harder to believe. (As some tales are.)
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25th August 2018, 16:26
Sorry - letters of roads missing.
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25th August 2018, 16:30
Def is kindly tenant.
Letter meaning 'base' inside 2 letter abb for navy = word meaning harder to believe. ( As some tales are.)
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25th August 2018, 16:31
Thanks orson and nelson.

More Q to come.
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25th August 2018, 16:31
got 8d now
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25th August 2018, 16:40

I have aslan for 8d. Asla is hidden and N missing.
But Chambers does not show Aslan.

Your 17a s correct.

28a, I cannot parse it.
I have STE? for 1d.
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25th August 2018, 16:43
1d def is arm - as in gun.
8d. Think CS Lewis.
17a. Your E is wrong. Think who wrote famous Epistles.

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25th August 2018, 16:49
sunray aslan is one of a group of 4 ....

How does 1d parse? and 6d ?
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