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29th January 2018, 14:04
Hi Mandyrob

email me at

The final step is something people might want to guess but I'm happy to share by email.
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29th January 2018, 14:14
My first post here. First, what a wonderful construction, down to the "final fitting adjustment" which manages to create a farewell to the last protagonist! Second, TMI on Google: I spent ages wondering about a connection between a little known novelist and even less well known law firm before the light dawned. And third, I used to enjoy the other site's bitchy comments and attempted one-upmanship. Sadly, they seem to have slightly cleaned up their act. Bring back Zabadak!
92 of 175  -   Report This Post


29th January 2018, 14:32
Finally finished. Superb puzzle. My only gripe is that after the euphoria of getting over the line, comes the sorrow that it has ended, such is the brilliance; and now I have to cut it out and send it off, never to be seen again.
I first came across this forum two or three years ago, having spent the previous years just looking at the other one. The thing that struck me with that one was the feeling that it reminded me of Cassandra’s boss in “Only Fools”, with his “Oh God, it’s so simple” attitude, whilst I was struggling most of the time. So, this one was a revelation. I have admired Mersault, Demeter, Dylan, to name but a few, for these last years, and heartily agree with you. Long may it continue.
93 of 175  -   Report This Post


29th January 2018, 15:01
Still trying to finish grid. am stuck on last one:
10D lecturer's left writing instrument, a rare pen.
And I thought 34D was the name of a make of car, but when I looked it up that particular model was named after a place, and not a person. Any hints very welcome ! Thanks.
94 of 175  -   Report This Post


29th January 2018, 15:16
Sorry, misread my letters for 34D, it's not the car I was thinking of.
Help needed!
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29th January 2018, 15:22
Can I get help on my final across clues? Or I may give up.
17a I have T?me, is that right!
20a definition would help
29a Playing golf with this makes sense?
38a presume is a fabric beginning with AL?
49a ???ge what come before GE, synonym for base?
96 of 175  -   Report This Post


29th January 2018, 15:25
Samovar 34d is a type of cycle starting CAR.
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29th January 2018, 15:27
10d is STY(L)E
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29th January 2018, 15:34
Thank you very much, Unclued. I'll look up cycles now !
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29th January 2018, 15:35
10d L leaves a word for a writing implement leaving a 4-letter variation of an animal pen which is usually 3-letter.

34d is a proper noun describing a type of engine cycle.
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