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28th January 2018, 14:37

You missed "defective" out of 30a, which is crucial. Anagram of dial, a, and the "outside" of defective.

42a - bread means money.

Anyone who can give me a strong hint for 11a will have a friend for life. Thanks.
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28th January 2018, 14:39
23a boxes in wordplay- spars
24a fallibility is definition. Answer begins err
30a direction finder in surveying. Anagram of dial and a are part of wordplay
42a Algerian Money. Ar is Arabian in wordplay

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28th January 2018, 14:40
Hi Orson

Of guts is definition

Begin- 5 letters beginning with En
Upset- as in gnawed away at- 3 letters beginning with A
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28th January 2018, 14:41
I can see it's a tour de force but I'm left with many loose ends. Without giving the game away can anyone please tell me:

1. Why the diagonal 'weapon' has to be removed - surely it's its victim who is dropped? (This also contravenes the 'two in a column' instruction.)
2. How to make the first part of the 48ac phrase fit while still giving real words etc?
3. Why I'm left with non-words at 24dn and 34dn?
4. What the cryptic indication of IN is in 46?

Actually any one of these would be good to know.

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28th January 2018, 14:44
Thanks, dja!
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28th January 2018, 14:52
Thanks, Orson and djawhufc. And thanks for 1A indirectly too !
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28th January 2018, 15:10

1) The 'weapon' is not removed; it's used.
2) As stated in the preamble, two cells in 48a contain two letters
3) See 1)
4) The 2-word answer to the clue is itself a cryptic clue - first letter IN last three (in two different ways)
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28th January 2018, 15:35
Thanks buzzb, I can see what's required now for the final stage (brilliant, and too much for my powers of reasoning). Same applies to 46ac, blindingly obviously once it sinks in.

But ... I still have problems with 48. Yes, I can seewhere the doubling up is required, but I'm left with non-words at 41dn, 31dn and 34dn.
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28th January 2018, 15:47
41d is a fish
31d is to strain (obsolete)
34d is a pigment
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28th January 2018, 16:17
Astonishing! So pleased to have finished that I thought I must check how others are doing, and, as usually, I find that far from leading the pack, I'm straggling. I've logged in to say that contrary to the preamble, I have 41 down in my 13th edition C. though not as a separate entry.
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