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29th January 2018, 11:22
Sorry my mistake. Just remembered that given names are allowed in the final grid. That was a haul but well worth the effort. Great fun.
81 of 175  -   Report This Post


29th January 2018, 12:25
I take back what I said earlier about a minor flaw in the denouement. As buzzb implied, an adjoining cell could be seen as a pivot. Having just studied the final scenes I'd say Elgin's depiction is about as perfect a representation as is possible.
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29th January 2018, 12:28
I seem to be lagging behind here. I have a feeling that 12a and 35a are AUNTIE and URN but I cannot see the wordplay for the UNT and U bits respectively.

Also the only across one I'm clueless about is 27a. Ten centuries should be a millennium but there doesn't seem to be a suitable abbreviation for that.

Best wishes
83 of 175  -   Report This Post


29th January 2018, 12:32
Hi Orson

Correct for both.

Ur- forepart for primitive
N- navy

I thought 12 was

A- acceleration
Mount- horse dropping MO- second
IE- that is

84 of 175  -   Report This Post


29th January 2018, 12:33
Ten centuries is a thousand or M in Roman numerals.

Think Arthur Miller
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29th January 2018, 12:40
Orson - 12A the 'second' to be dropped is mo.
35A - first two letters are prefix for primitive
27A - ten centuries ia a thousand so just looking for roman numeral and for answer think 'a play'

86 of 175  -   Report This Post


29th January 2018, 12:48
Thanks, dja and crates. I'll persevere!
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29th January 2018, 13:06
Dja can you give he a hint how to interpret your numbers?
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29th January 2018, 13:25
djawhufc listed the down clue numbers from which letters have to be removed. In order they spell two answers (hence it put them on 2 lines)
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29th January 2018, 14:02
Struggling to get this finished after getting so close! I cannot find an answer for 38A which is a real word.. I have what I think goes in 48ac but don't know where it goes or how to complete the rest of that entry. Then I have no idea how to decide which letters to erase. I have erased the victim and I can see the (6 letter) thing that killed him but I am at a loss as to how to finish it. Any help gratefully received..
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