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29th January 2018, 15:35
38a yes a fabric .... AL (aluminium) + 6 letter to weight + a's in Bradfords

49a si (is reversed) + eg(say) + e(base)
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29th January 2018, 15:36
17a begins with n not t
20a Salt is def
29a anagram of G and this
38a does begin al- it ends in a. Type of weight is in the middle
45a- no base is the E- ??e??

It is a reversal clue. Word for say- 2 letters and is are part of wordplay
102 of 175  -   Report This Post


29th January 2018, 15:38
17a looks like name ...nam ...synonym for took + e
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29th January 2018, 15:41
Thank you, buzzb.
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29th January 2018, 16:36
The curious thing, Melbourne, is that so many people over the weeks and years seem to appreciate the help given on here. I think that you may have missed the point of the Crossword Help Forum entirely.

Sometimes a new name might appear, and the comment will be something to the effect "I'm new to the Listener and have just completed the puzzle. I couldn't have done it without the help given on here..."

That's very gratifying, and more than compensates for the odd sniffy criticism.
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29th January 2018, 17:22
Mersault, can you advise, re your post at no.31, you say you get a phrase that is 5,5, after inputting the 14 '+' letters into anagram solver? Am I getting that wrong...
(I have now completed everything but the bottom row. I don't know what the 2,4,3,5 is).
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29th January 2018, 17:27
My happiest memories of solving crosswords are with other people. A bit of competition sparks up my brain. As a lone solver these days I greatly enjoy the subtle and sometimes not so subtle help this forum gives. I must say how much I admire the brains like that of Mersault which seem capable of dashing off the solution in a fraction of the time it usually takes me. I actually started having a go at setting one and was quite pleased with the grid I arrived at, but thought it might be a bit below par when I stared writing clues, so hats off to our marvellous setters.
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29th January 2018, 17:32
Easier said than done but:

Take the 14 + letters and rearrange to an instruction 2,4,3,5
Obey the instruction
This results in a two-word phrase (5,5) relevant to 1A.
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29th January 2018, 17:40
I have the following for the + letters:
Could someone kindly confirmed these please? I suspect I probably have one or two incorrect.
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29th January 2018, 17:51
Yes, Uncle_W, those letters are correct. And to you and Lumen both : those letters form the instruction buzzb refers to, also DJA in comment 27. DJA hints that one of the words in the 2,4,3,5 is also a word in the puzzle title. So now you should have the 2,4,3,5. It's a funny sounding instruction, you'd think the first word was redundant, but it fits with the puzzle title. Then execute the instruction. That involves a 10 letter anagram.

Rickye, you and me both, It's a solitary pursuit now. But conversations on this forum provide some compensation (aside from the occasional snooty visitor !) You're kind to suggest that I have brains. I don't really think so, in many spheres I'm slow to see a solution. There are others who contribute to this forum who are usually quicker than me...
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