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29th January 2018, 20:53
As a beginner when it comes to The Listener, may I agree with others that this is a fantastic forum; and I really appreciate not only how kind people are, but also how generous they are with their time. I would never have persevered without all of your help, and even though I still need lots of assistance, I hope I am improving, if only slowly !
Which having been said I have the theme, and a couple of names, but I still need extra help with the damned "instruction" !
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29th January 2018, 20:54
I'd just like to echo Meursault's comments.

I've made a number of friends from what is in essence a solitary pursuit. I am fortunate that a number of them, particularly the sorely missed Kayakamina and my current 'mentor' Don, have helped me progress to the level of The Listener.

Long may this Forum continue and I hope to be of some assistance to people starting out in the same way that my friends helped me.

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29th January 2018, 21:03
Hi Samovar, I'm assuming that you've seen the + letters in comment 109. Then, as there is a 3-letter word in the instruction, try setting aside THE. Seems like a good bet. Then also set aside SORT, as this is also a word in the title. Maybe a long shot, but what do you have left ? What can possibly go in the 2-letter word ? Seems clumsy English, but really only DO goes in there. What do you have left ?
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29th January 2018, 21:09
I remember the signalling system too, Meursault. I remember 45 degrees down mostly.
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29th January 2018, 21:39
Thank you, Meursault, you always make me laugh ! I did think of "do" and "sort" but didn't persevere. Now I will!
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29th January 2018, 21:41
A truly superb challenge! Having the prof. move as a result of the s****l moving is great - but weaving in the disappearance of the other four characters as well makes this an outstanding crossword!
126 of 175  -   Report This Post


29th January 2018, 21:59
I have the 5,5 now thanks.
But how does that fit in with the 6 letter prof on the bottom row?!
Is there any logic to why two cells contain two letters? There must be - as everyone says this is a masterpiece!
It doesn’t help that I don’t fully get 41d and 34d.
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29th January 2018, 22:08
Lumen, there have to be two cells with two letters each in order to fit everything in in the bottom row and to make proper words in two down solutions. The affected cells are in symmetrical positions.
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29th January 2018, 22:34
I accept that I will be in a minority of one, but I really think this puzzle is being over-hyped. Difficult, but fair and elegant clues, indeed. No problem with that. But I spent ages searching for something else in the final grid to justify the encomia being heaped upon the puzzle...and there wasn't anything. The coup de grace of the railway apparatus, and the fate of the victim was clever, but not that clever. The use of the + and * cells made it easy for the setter but disproportionally difficult for the solver. I enjoy a severe Listener challenge, but found the enjoyment/difficulty ratio here not to my taste
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29th January 2018, 23:18
Lumen - 34d and 41d are both proper nouns. 41d the answer is hidden in the clue. 34d is in Chambers and is A 3 letter word for a motor vehicle and "not".
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