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31st January 2018, 18:21
Scarlett - the musical is indeer Hair with company - co and about - c as in circa on top of it. The o will get dropped.
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31st January 2018, 19:36
many thanks smartie ... should be able to finish now
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2nd February 2018, 16:16
By hook or by crook I'll......................

I popped by on Monday for some help and took away the starred letters. That really helped, as did the reminder that the shortened down answers had to form real words....up to a point where they didn't because of the interference from the last action, which I finally got when popping back here last night. I may not still have all the right answers, but I've probably got all the right letters, some in the wrong place maybe. Happy enough with that.

I also struggled with the French\German river clue, partially because I thought a drink was a LUG (well, its so close to GLUG, it seemed more likely than ONE) but also I guess because it was too simple. You get a mindset on the harder puzzles that makes you think too hard, hence making the easier clues often harder than the tricky ones.

As ever, thanks to all for the help and entertainment. Hoping it is numbers tomorrow so I can have a rest. I don't do those anymore.
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2nd February 2018, 22:00
Rrrobbo - your comment "I may not still have all the right answers, but I've probably got all the right letters, some in the wrong place maybe." reminded me of the Morcambe and Wise sketch with André Previn where Eric (after a disastrous attempt at playing the piano) says "I'm playing all the right notes - but they may not all be in the right order." Happy memories!
174 of 175  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2018, 14:09
I'm glad Smartie. It was the hidden intention. So, I spy not numbers today, but an interesting collection of letters down the sides of the clues. I wonder what that will all be about when I finally get time to look at it 8-)

Catch you later in the week maybe on the next exciting Listener installment.
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