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30th January 2018, 17:17
I see what you're saying. Thanks, Turast. Though if 'Engineer' serves both in wordplay and definition, I'm not sure it's valid to separate it from the remainder of the definition once it has been used as an anagram indicator.
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31st January 2018, 00:26
Hi, Meursault,
I was also not convinced by the final grid entry to 1dn, but there’s a German examination called the TestAS - Test fuer Auslaendische Studierende (sorry, can’t do the umlauts), so maybe this creeps in as a name. If we can have a French name as the grid entry for 26dn, why not the name of a German exam for 1dn?

For 16dn, I had no problem with “one” referring back to “engineer”, so that word serves as both part of the definition and the anagram indicator. Axed did a similar thing on Sunday with the clue “River, rapid roller near battlefield, one in spate”, where the definition is “one (I.e. river) in spate”, and “river” leads to the letter “r” in the wordplay. But perhaps this is more straightforward as “river” is a noun in both contexts.
162 of 175  -   Report This Post


31st January 2018, 00:28
Caught out by autocorrect - of course I meant Azed. Or was it just clumsy typing on my iPad?
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31st January 2018, 00:48
I am another first time poster but been solving for a long time.Having just finished the puzzle (late isn't it?) I started reading to see that I was not the only one to be staggered by the complexity of this one with all its threads. Thoroughly enjoyed it as the pieces "dropped" into place. Best of a good year so far. I will hope to add my twopennyworth sometimes.
Not happy about the final 1down but I can live with it - especially after watching Countdown yesterday.
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31st January 2018, 11:23
dylan, the wordplay is a word for lump inside a heraldic colour. Drops is the definition.
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31st January 2018, 11:26
whoops. how did that happen... please ignore...Will post another Q in a moment!
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31st January 2018, 11:42
Apologies for last post. Kind of 'unexpected item in the bagging area'.

Great puzzle! but I am left scratching my head over my last unfilled clue, 5d The first three letters are validated by the crossings and the last is subject to the thematic adjustment. Fourth letter should be one of three vowels but I cannot solve the clue to be able to get the right one! Can anyone hint to me please?
167 of 175  -   Report This Post


31st January 2018, 11:50
Piffleworthy - definition is "they are" and its an anagram of in tea.
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31st January 2018, 11:56
Thank you smartie, I think I must have gone word blind from staring at it for so long.
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31st January 2018, 17:57
26d One partly in charge of company about to mount a musical (7) in the grid i have CHIRA.....

chariot ? hair the musical ?
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