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lady bee

3rd October 2017, 09:35
39. Shoots is the significant part of the clue

47. end part - if it's not a written exam,it's an...
Follow the instructions for the first part of the clue. You may not know the word, so look it up.
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3rd October 2017, 22:28
Jennifer could frighten the stream with a sword but this too long.
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4th October 2017, 08:11
Wilhemina. 87. Can't find a sword but can make several anagrams out of L(from leading lady) IN and STREAMS. Can't connect any to answer though.
Still stuck on 25, 39, 47, 86, 95 and 97.

I pass on clues to 90 year old friend without a computer.
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lady bee

4th October 2017, 09:01
Can't make sense of Wilhemina's clues for 87. You're right with an anagram of 'stream' plus leading 'L'ady and you need to bring 'O'rder into it.

i thought I gave good clues for 25 and 39 and 47

95 Hidden in clue, backwards
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4th October 2017, 13:27
Hi Lady Bee. Think sorted 87 I think!! Thought it was this before but couldn't and still can't work out where the second "M" comes from. My word starts and finishes with M.
95. Can't make any sense of words backwards. Is it a hidden word reading backwards?

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lady bee

4th October 2017, 14:01
Looked at 87 again and I think the final part relates to an Order of Merit. Sometimes you read the clue and know the answer straight away with working out the detail of it.

Yes, it's a drink written backwards
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4th October 2017, 18:19
Thanks Lady Bee. Found it. I seem to be the only one, plus my elderly friend needing help with these clues still - 25, 39, 47, 86 & 97 (even after the tips from you).
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lady bee

4th October 2017, 21:01
I thought I'd given good clues to some of the ones you wanted - don't want to just put the answers out there. For instance, No.25 what's a word for confidential plus a sign of the zodiac. There are only 12 to choose from and the last letter will be the same as the beginning of the answer. The whole thing are people that executives employ.
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4th October 2017, 21:40
Hello Lady Bee - nice to see you are puzzling along with this again _ you have helped me out on previous Charity quizzes!!
I am doing fairly well so far with this quiz, still have a few to solve, but am really getting frustrated with numbers 32) Weapon made for the services - but there are strings attached ( 6, 6 ) and
68) Agree first tenor could be ready for a song ( 9 )

I haven't seen any references to these two so far in the forum, so I am feeling really stupid as I think they must be very easy to solve, bit I'm just not getting them!!

If anyone out there can give me a hint, or three!! I will readily reciprocate with hints for any that other people are struggling with!!

Thanks in advance everyone .
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4th October 2017, 22:41
Questions 32 and 68 have had umpteen clues already given on this thread.
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