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lady bee

1st October 2017, 16:23
5. Anagram of 4 words

8. Ends with 3 letter word for an old convict - bend you'd find in loo

10. Flag refers to a particular flower

13. Wild tells you anagram of next three words. Dripping not referring to fat or lard
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1st October 2017, 18:27
Thank you loobylooby for extra clues! Still struggling...but won't give up!
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1st October 2017, 19:42
Thanks to everybody for the additional clues. Still need help with several more
In No.64 what does old Harry refer to ?
In 67 does the answer begin with A ?
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lady bee

1st October 2017, 22:10
Old Harry - the devil, sata

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lady bee

1st October 2017, 22:14
that should have been satan
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1st October 2017, 23:11
I have 67 staring with A!!!
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2nd October 2017, 20:43
Any help for a strangler! Number 15,16,21,22,25 and 28 thanks.
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3rd October 2017, 08:13
15. 5th month + ano word for edge.
16. Think policemen with ano word (3 letter) for border in middle.
21. Hidden word in last 2 words.
22. Ano word for adventure.
28. Ano word meaning same as 1st word with last 5 letters a daily paper.

I need help with 17, 25, 39, 47, 86, 87,97

Have an answer for 45 - part anagram of 1st word but not sure if correct.
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lady bee

3rd October 2017, 09:03
I'm sure your answer for 45 is correct. Nearly mad, so nearly an anagram, not quite. C = circa = Latin for about and the whole is potty.

17. Anagram of one word suggested by terribly and go with rest of clue. You are this when using a computer.
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lady bee

3rd October 2017, 09:32
25. A word for confidential followed by a sign (of the zodiac) and the whole thing explains the rest of the clue.
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