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1st October 2017, 12:21
For 99 I originally had a cartoon character who was the would be victim of a frequent customer of ACME but now not so sure.Also a member of the cuckoo family.
Need help for 53 and 55 just can't for the moment get head round them
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1st October 2017, 12:24
meant to add also for 18 the N. African in question had heavy influence in Spain the first part is common slang
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lady bee

1st October 2017, 12:46
53. Shakespeare character which dissected is made up of a river and a word for the employees of a company

55. Slang word for head - use your....... and the same word can also mean a drink
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1st October 2017, 13:01
Thanks for the extra clues.
I can send it in with my donation now that, at least, I have some sort of answer for each clue!!
I've had the answer to 89 ages, but without access to a computer wasn't confident!!!
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1st October 2017, 13:38
53. 1st 3 letters are Cornish river and the whole is a Shakespearean character.
55. Is another word for head which is the same name (old term) for a drink in general. My Dad used to say "going out for a ?".
99. I had same as you until I read junior runner given as clue.
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1st October 2017, 13:40
Thanks Lady Bee sometimes we look too hard.
Any one agree with me for 99
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1st October 2017, 13:43
99. Sorry Piffle I meant Junior Walker not Junior Runner.
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1st October 2017, 13:53
Thanks Jennifer would seem to vindicate my original answer as one word rather than two
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1st October 2017, 15:08
Thanks Piffle and all you others who tried to help.
I've got it at last, and know I was thinking along completely wrong lines.
Thanks again.
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1st October 2017, 15:20
Need help with 5,8,10, and 13 thanks
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