Just logged onto the site again to find it in full swing! Hello everybody. Could I please have clues for the following (don’t think any have been given so far)
44. ... but can Bob sort out the hold (6,4)
51. The artist went after Jade, for instance, - a good looking girl. What a sauce! (11)
67. Find French money in a different country (9)
73. Name online another beast disposed of by Greek
labourer. (6,4)
Nos. 16, 18, 69, 92 and 99 has all had clues given but not been able to work them out yet!!
No. 16 is the “copper” a PC or something else?
No. 18 is the North African an Arab?
No. 69 ... got the 2nd word but stuck on 1st. A clue I think was
Another word for “plain” ?.
No. 92 is the bird one which was on an old British small coin?
No. 99. ? Bird ? Clue was what a junior jogger does (is this a child?)
Hope that’s not asking for too many clues but would be a help at the moment. Many thanks.
Will keep working on those last five